Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sorry Letter to Bestfriend

Dear Kaylin,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for talking about you behind your back and saying all those horrible things. I'm sorry that I can't take them back. I take full responsibility for my actions. I understand this is really hard for you to forgive me, but I'm asking for a second chance. I didn't mean any of them and I didn't mean to let anyone else say them.

I'm writing this to you because our friendship means so much to me and so much more than how dumb, foolish, and mean I was. I was wrong and I know it. I know that I have learned from this mistake, and this kind of thing will never happen again. If I could pick anyone in the world, you would be my last choice to lose. I'm not giving excuses, I'm taking complete responsibility for my wrongs, and I hope you understand them.

When we've offended a true friend, like I have, we risk losing that friend. I know you've lost Jessie and all because of this situation, and I don't know if you are willing to lose me, but if you are, I hope its something that you will regret. If you know you're going to regret it Kaylin, then don't do it. And I have a feeling like you will regret it, but I'm not sure. Since Jessie and you aren't friends because of what we did, and you haven't given up on me yet, This makes me have a feeling you care and that you want to keep our friendship. I really, really hope that's true. Because I know for a fact that we were meant to be friends and we will make it through this. You said nothing will ever be the same if you choose to stay my friend, but it doesn't have to be that way. We can forget it, I know you can't, but don't make it important to yourself because it shouldn't be. It is not important to me at all and I won't let it ruin our friendship. You are not any of those things that I called you or listen to you be called and let it be said. What's important to me about the situation is that I hurt you. I understand how much the whole thing hurt you, but to tell you the truth it probably hurt me more. Knowing that I did that to my best friend kills me. I don't know what I was thinking and I hate myself for it.

But I understand this is your choice Kaylin, but I hope you make the right one. The one that's best. Forgiveness doesn't change the past, but it can enlarge the future.

I'm Sorry

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